Graphic designers I personally like

Paul Rand: Amazingly I can see how his designs for logos have evolved into their moder iderations, such as the UPS logo.

Otl Aicher: a graphic designer who, by my criteria might just be perfect, after looking through his portfolio, or what i could find, i cant see a singly thing of his that I dont like. for his colored images I can instantly see a pattern of sticking to a solid few colors that really work, I cant place whats appealing about his black and white work but it is just as good.

Susan Kare: the maker of the MacOS interface, designer of the first Mac icons, I fell inspired by the fact that she was working in a new field with no references for what to work with, and did a very good job despite that

Muriel Cooper: something about her designs using 3D space is very attention grabbing and looks quite difficult to pull off, her work is very interesting to me. not to mention another pioneer of computer tech as a design tool

EinTheMiddle: The cover designer for SUITE a vaporwave magazine I'm inspired by how they're able to take the vaporwave aesthetic style, somthing that is quite abstract and often surreal, and make some very good covers with it. personally I love this style.
